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Self Assessment - Step 2: How much do these statements resonate with you?

PB JAM Self Assessment Results

Read each statement briefly and then choose the rating based on how much that statement reflects your professional approach, beliefs, and thinking (1 being the least and 4 being the most). There are no good or bad answers, as these are just meant to reveal your current thinking.  So, don't ponder too much on any one statement. Once you choose a rating, click the forward arrows to go to the next statement. Yes, there is no back button on purpose! :)

Button to start the self assessment

Collaboration - Ability to work with others to achieve more than what you individually can

Communication - Ability to express yourself and understand others​

Being Valuable - Ability to be sought after for your skills and strengths​

Leadership - Ability to lead your team and colleagues towards your vision​

Organization - Ability to stay organized across daily challenges and changes​

Work Life Balance - Ability to maintain healthy balance between your main job and the rest of life​

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Optional for visitors (enter your name and email address before clicking "view results")

Button to view results from the self assessment

We recommend that you reflect on two aspects, a) Two facets that scored least on assessment, b) Two facets where your initial impression of satisfaction has the largest deviation from competence rating.


The first reflection will help you to create focus on the right PB JAM facets to work on, while the second reflection will help you to better understand yourself by asking questions like " Why is my satisfaction high but competence low?". 


We will discuss these in detail during your sessions but for the time being, we hope that we got your thinking wheels in motion!

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