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Your Shield of Value

Updated: May 6, 2022

#TLDR: To reflect, understand and document how you are being valuable to your stakeholders can open up doors to lower #anxiety, a higher sense of #purpose, and career #growth, both as an individual contributor and as a leader.

Each one of us wonders every now and then as to what we bring to the table that makes our employer cut the next paycheck. Such thoughts arise during times of annual reviews, bonus discussions for yourself or for your team members, organizational restructuring, or even during quarterly target steering. Let #PBJAM help you with some structure to create talking points around #beingvaluable, one of # PBJAM's facets!

Use the above Venn diagram to visualize your #shieldofvalue for the current job/project/responsibility you are thinking about. Replace 'I' with your team member's name to structure discussions for raises/bonuses for your team members.

The purpose of this exercise is not to be exhaustive e.g. don't create a five-page write-up on what you do well, instead jot down 5-10 bullet points that capture your first thoughts on what you do well. Remember, what you do well may have nothing to do with your current job, project, or responsibility, hence be brutally honest with yourself.

If you are not sure about what your employer's needs and gaps are, discuss them with your supervisor and team for clarity. Hint: Reviewing the recent media releases from your CEO can reveal the current priorities that sometimes may be missed by your immediate management.

It is not unusual for you to come up with an empty #shieldofvalue, but it is highly unusual to not come up with items in the Strengths, Opportunities, and Threats areas. If your shield is empty, this is a great time to start working on adding your first layer of #beingvalueable (browse through the #beingvaluable behavior list in #PBJAM, which you can access in session 05 interface of our "Better You!" program)! If your shield has a point or more, start reflecting on how you can #communicate this better with your supervisor and teams for sorting out roles, responsibilities, and opportunities. Check out the #communication behavior list in #PBJAM!

The more you use this template and process, the better you will get at not just putting yourself in a position of strength and growth within your company, but also help your team members and direct reports to develop better. In the #moderworkplace, #meaningful discussions that are #focused on #individual needs are more valued than traditional #developmentdialogues.

How do you evaluate yourself and your team members for #beingvaluable to the company? What works for you? What are your challenges? We love to hear back from you, so do drop a comment here, put it in our forum, or use it as a topic to discuss in your next group session.



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