#TLDR: We turn our customers into #active #creators of #capabilities and not #passive #consumers of #information. We believe in #transformation versus #information.

In a world full of exciting tools, techniques, coaches, mentors, and online platforms that make up the #professional #development space, #PBJAM stands apart due to our different and sustainable approach rooted in management sciences and deep industry experiences.
To be clear, this article is not about how other approaches are not good! It is about how #PBJAM is different and some of the key characteristics that make #PBJAM sustainable and effective in the long run.
#PBJAM believes in #empowering individuals with their development rather than #spoonfeeding the content. Our platform is built on #active participation of individuals taking ownership, and #tangible #visible progress. Our #sessions are not made up of 1-way lectures or teachings but are highly participative engaged discussions amongst the #peers with an experienced #facilitator. Our #SMARTsteps not only document clear path forward, but help you hold yourself #accountable for #measurable progress. If #progress is not as per your expectation, our platform structures help you to discuss potential #roadblocks openly and seek practical #solutions.
We also like to focus our members on their day-to-day issues as of now, rather than theory or toolkits aimed at improving/changing something in the future. This eliminates the #homework or #projects and replaces them with #SMARTsteps that are integrated in #dailywork.
What has been your experience with #PBJAM? How is this different? What makes it #effective for you? Write to us!