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How to write effective SMART-steps?

Updated: Aug 27, 2024

#TLDR: Creating #powerful and #impactful SMART-steps is half the battle in #professional #progress

SMART-steps drive progress at PB JAM. During each session (and after as well), it is critical for each participant to implement tangible SMART steps.

The PB JAM platform shows your SMART steps in every session. So, let's quickly review some key characteristics of SMART steps that are expected for documentation in PB-JAM.

  1. Start with a verb (e.g., Complete, Review, Schedule, Discuss, Read, Present, etc.)

  2. Be succinct (typically, not longer than 10-15 words)

  3. Be finite (don't put "Change the world" as an action, for example)

  4. Be tangible (don't put action that can't be measured, e.g., "Change the world")

  5. Be achievable (instead of stating, "Change my manager's perspective," better to state, "Understand my manager's perspective")

  6. Precise due date (No open-ended/ongoing actions)

  7. Measurable progress (Your peers should be able to judge if you have made progress on an action or not)

Some examples of good SMART-steps:

  • Identify and document every Monday my top 3 to-dos for the next four weeks

  • Introduce myself to 5 new people at work using elevator speech

  • Be on time for ten or more meetings over the next three weeks

Some examples of not-so-good SMART-steps

  • Try to be concise in my communications

  • Make my work network wider

  • Don't be late for meetings

That's it! What do you think are your best practices for effective SMART-steps? Please share with us!

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